Sunday, December 10, 2006




The special and general relativity theories, mainly formulated by Albert Einstein and the quantum theory by Max Planck, have gained such prominence in modern physics that nobody dares challenge them. These theories have become part and parcel of the philosophy and technology of the Western World. We, in the so-called Third World, should not just swallow these theories. Indeed, they must be challenged, where inconsistent. This is the task taken up by Engr. Musa Abdullahi in this book.

We now deal in three systems of mechanics. Newtonian or classical mechanics dealing with bodies moving at very small speeds compared to that of light, relativistic mechanics for objects moving at speeds near that of light and quantum mechanics for atomic particles moving at very high speeds. The author is of the opinion that there should be one system of mechanics applicable to all bodies and at all speeds up to the speed of light.

The author introduced a new system of mechanics, which he called aberrational mechanics, where an electrostatic force is transmitted at the speed of light. As such, the force exerted by an electrostatic field, on a moving electron, depends on the speed of the electron. The electron can be accelerated to a maximum speed equal to the speed of light. Using Newton’s second law of motion and correcting Coulomb’s law of electrostatic for a moving electrically charged particle, he showed that an electron could be accelerated to the speed light, with its mass remaining constant, contrary to the theory of special relativity.

The author rejected the concept of constancy of the speed of light relative to an observer, a cardinal principle of Einstein’s theory of special relativity. He opted for Galilean-Newtonian relativity where the speed of light is constant relative to the source only and the speed of light, relative to an observer, depends on motion of the observer and/or the source. On this basis, he derived an expression for the speed of light in a moving medium and gave a non relativistic explanation of the result of Fizeau’s experiment, which measured the speed of light in moving water.

The introduction of two stable models of the hydrogen atom, a non nuclear one for the gaseous state and a nuclear one for the solid or liquid state, without recourse to quantum mechanics, is very interesting. Both models give rise to emission radiation of discrete frequencies, in accordance with observation.

The author’s mass-energy equation, E = ½mc2, still leaves mass m with tremendous amount of energy E. The simplicity of derivation of this formula, from basic principles, in contrast to Einstein’s famous equation, E = mc2, should lend some support to the invariance of mass with speed.

A remarkable development is the unification of Coulomb’s law of electrostatics with Newton’s universal law of gravitation. The electrostatic forces of repulsion and attraction between the masses of two bodies, each containing an equal number of positive and negative electric charges, cancel out exactly. The author proposed that the gravitational forces of attraction remain positive, being proportional to the product of square of the charges.

The author’s conclusion that light radiation consisted of longitudinal waves, different from transverse electromagnetic waves, but propagated at the same speed in space, is worthy of further scrutiny. If this and the unification of electrostatic and gravitational forces are proved to be correct, it would amount to a great scientific breakthrough of the twenty first century.

This book titled, “Six Papers Concerning Aberrational Mechanics”, makes stimulating reading. The contents of these papers may not be some aberrations of thoughts after all. I congratulate the author for providing some food for thought and recommend the proposals made in the papers for studying, comments and testing by the Nigerian physicists.

Professor M.A. Daniyan. Abuja, Nigeria, July, 2006

Six Papers on Aberrational Mechanics



Musa D. Abdullahi

Published by


No. 10 Sarki Abdulrahman Road,

Opposite Pilgrims’ Camp,

P.O. Box 1321,


Tel: 065-430996



Copyright © 2006

First Published 2006

ISBN 978 - 2869 - 01 - 5

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